Friday, March 21, 2008

Motivation and Goal Setting - Part 1

What makes us do the things that we do? Why do we find the motivation to succeed in some things, yet we fail miserably in other things? This is such a valid question for our society today. If each of us really and truly put our minds to work and focused specifically on our goals, wouldn’t we all be a lot more successful in each area of our lives?

They say that the most successful people have very specific goals. They write their goals down, read these goals daily, attack them and ultimately achieve them. Knowing this, why don’t we all follow this type of goal setting? It sounds so easy and so attainable, so why don’t we all set our minds to this system and go after what we are all wanting in life…success? Is it because we are too lazy to do what it takes? Or are we too busy to sit down for a few minutes to prioritize and set goals for ourselves?

Wouldn’t this allow us to be more efficient in ALL that we do? Is this not motivation enough to kick ourselves into gear and take action by starting NOW? Today, I would like to discuss motivational tips that you can implement immediately to step out, take charge and achieve the goals that have been on your mind’s “to do” list for the past decade!

First off, I want you to take action immediately. Don’t put this step off another second. Go find a pad of paper and pen and begin to write down 5-10 goals. I don’t want you to hold back… I want you to dream! Let your mind roam… the sky is the limit!

Be specific: include numbers, dates, times, locations, etc. These cannot be specific enough. Then under each goal, I would like for you to write out 3 powerful reasons WHY you would like to achieve these goals and what these goals mean to YOU. You must make these powerful, emotional and motivational in order to get the full and desired effects from these statements.

Take action and write these out now before reading on.

Secondly, take each of one these goals individually and break them down into smaller, more attainable goals. This will not only allow you to become less overwhelmed with your goals, but it will also allow you to stay highly motivated as you start achieving these smaller goals.

Go on, do this step now, don’t wait.

You should have these goals down and ready to go before I post the next step in a couple of days...It is your turn to take action, don't get behind! :)


Alissa Nelms

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