my last blog article, I began the process of defining mental toughness and explaining how the goal achievement process is crucial to the actual development and creation of mental toughness. The next step in the process is:
Implementation. This is absolutely key to achieving mental toughness. Start by making a plan, be detailed, and be specific on what steps you will need to take in order to achieve these goals. Take a minute, RIGHT NOW, and write out a game plan on what you intend to do to make this all happen. If you don't know, don't be afraid to ask!
Ask friends, family, significant others or professionals on what they think will be the best way to achieve your goals, collaborate with them and come up with the best organizational chart as possible. You know what they say, two heads are better than one.
Now I need to mention one caveat, do not get hung up on mistakes whether they are big or small. This will be a process and you will not be perfect; we all make mistakes. The take home message here is don't let your mind creep into that "All or Nothing" mindset or even second guess yourself. Such negative thinking is NOT the mental toughness you are looking for.
If you mess up or become frustrated, be tough enough to admit it, learn from it and push forward even harder and even more intensely. This is the creation of true mental toughness. So, use it to your advantage… don't let it hinder your progress and get in the way of your ultimate goals.
Negative self-talk. This is huge in learning mental toughness and for achieving your goals. Our mind is very powerful, and more often than not, we allow the negative side of our mind to dominate our thoughts and, ultimately, our lives. Although negativity, or “brain trash”, as I like to call it, is hard to get rid of completely, it is very important to retrain our brains to replace the negative thoughts with positive ones.
I would suggest that every time you have a negative thought cross your mind, you IMMEDIATELY replace it with a positive one, one that is opposite of the negative thought that you just had. You will then repeat this positive thought at least five (5) times in order to retrain your mental thoughts into positive ones. Negative thoughts are like poison and you need to reverse the poison by ingesting the antidote or positive thoughts into your system.
Immediately halting and destroying negative thoughts are the key ingredients to goal achievement and the improvement of yourself as a human being, as well as the foundation for mental toughness. Negative thoughts are often tough to overcome, but if you can overcome these negative thoughts, you will have made incredible progress towards mental toughness.
Lastly, be a "difference" maker. Go out there and make a difference, in your life, as well as in others. This will not only make you feel absolutely wonderful about yourself, but it will also give you confidence and positivity in all that you say and do.
Now, go and take action, be a doer and make it happen. Don't put it off another second, minute, hour, day, week or even year. You owe it to yourself to become mentally tough and achieve those long awaited goals NOW...nothing is better than the present for taking action.

Alissa Nelms
www.TheFitCouple.comOne of the best goal setting tools that I would strongly suggest is by a wonderful colleague and friend, Day Moy. He has developed a phenomenal goal setting program that is a complete 100 day blueprint for positive ACTION that'll lead to positive RESULTS! Jeremy and I have both used it and simply can’t recommend it strongly enough.
You can find his program, called The Magic Hundred, by clicking here!